Sunday, September 19, 2010

An easier way of life

Sometimes I sit and look at Kezy and I am a little bit envious of her! Life definetly seems to be a LOT simpler and easier for her!

**She doesn't have to worry about "being up on time" for anything. People pretty much revolve their schedules and LIVES around her.
**She is able to trash any room she wants and nobody seems to mind. They are happy to clean up after her.
**She has Ash there to always make sure she has matching, cute clothes and her hair done.
**She doesn't have teeth or wear makeup so "getting ready for bed" is an extremely simple routine
**She is free to jabber through church, prayers, meetings. Any kind of "quiet time" situation
**She has no idea about any kind of body images and what "looks good"
**She has no idea what boys are and once she does, they will have cooties
**She can have any kind of injury or pain healed with a kiss or an exaggerated smile and a simple reassurance that she's okay
**She has no kind of money worries whatsoever
**She is yet to go through the devastation of not feeling good enough for somebody
**She doesn't have to worry about what boys think of her
**She has a very black and white view of what is right and wrong. And any kind of decision she has to make in this field is usually only to the extent of whether to play the piano hard, or soft.
**She has never had a boy make her cry, only later to have him want a second chance
**She has never experienced heartbreak
**She's never been stabbed in the back by somebody that she thought was a friend
**She has no idea what it means to miss somebody
**She only has worries of which toy she wants to play with at that moment...

I LOVE this little girl to death! I can easily say that she is literally changing my life

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