Sunday, February 21, 2010

my person

"They asked me for a person to contact if I needed anything or if something went wrong. I put you're my person." For those of you that aren't well educated in great TV, these are the words of Dr. Yang to Dr. Grey when they "officially" become best friends on Grey's Anatomy. This last week I have been thinking (and talking to) MY person and it's had me thinking alot about how much I love and appreciate her.

She's the person I have literally known my whole entire life. She's the person I get confused for sometimes. She's the person I want to call first when something exciting happens. She's the person I call late at night and she talks to me even though I woke her up and she has to be at work early in the morning. She's the person I can always tell the whole truth to ALL the time and never worry about her judging me. She's the person I tell all of my "I'm not supposed to say anything but..." to. She's the person that sits and listens patiently well after I've passed the TMI line, but listens anyways because she knows I just need to talk it out. She's the person I can yell and scream and fight with, but at the end of the day know that she's still there for me. She's the person that ALWAYS has my back, even to the extent of walking with me in the canyon late at night after dad kicked me out of the car :) She's the person that calls to calm me down after fighting with my mom. She's the person that I go on drives with. She's the person that can say 1 name or 1 word and have me cracking up instantly. She's the person I laugh like. She's the person that hides in the trunk when I'm throwing up, but later that night lets me sleep with her and tickle my back to make me feel better. She's the person I've gotten in trouble with. She's the person that's gotten me OUT of trouble. She's the person that knows when I'm not really fine. She's the person that takes her weekend off to drive me to Filmore to get my car. She's the person that "let's me drive" ;) She's the person that took off running to me at the airport coming home from China. She's the person I tried to drown once. She's the person that worries about me. She's the person that would stay awake at night when we were little, worried that if the house caught on fire she wouldn't be able to get me out because I'm such a deep sleeper. She's the person that I can never really stay mad at. She's the person that has always let me borrow and use her things. She's the person that always encourages me to do what I want when I tell her about my crazy ideas. She's the person I can fight with through emails from the other side of the world, but call her later and talk and laugh for 3 hours. She's the person I shared my room with for 17 years of my life and for months after she moved out, I couldn't sleep without texting "Goodnight. Love you, see you in the morning" even though I really wouldn't. She's the person that never gets mad at me for taking jokes too far. She's the person that got her finger dislocated and still wants to play "gottcha last" everytime we see each other. She's the person that always came to all of my sports games. She's the person that made me feel confident about speaking at graduation, and then followed me around for hours taking countless pictures for me. She's the person that is so much like me that we start crying at the exact same time talking about things. She's the person that I have made late COUNTLESS times, yet still she would give me rides and take me places. She's the person I go to when I hate the rest of the world. She's the person that would let me tag along with her and her friends. She's the person that is going to be an amazing nurse one day. She's the person that buys me dinner when she comes to visit even though she's poor too. She's the person I want to be like. She's the person that I freakin love She's the person that I couldn't live without.

She's the person that is my twin and my very best best friend

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