My mom has always pushed me to become better and give my all in everything that I do. I've played sports ever since I could run. In the middle school and high school years of playing, my mom started telling me "GO UP BIG!" before EVERY single game! Sometimes as I was walking out the door that morning, sometimes from the stands right before we did lineups, sometimes (usually) both. Most times I'd just laugh and occasionally even get a little bothered ("I know... I know mom!") But it was always something that I looked forward to. On my senior night she wrote me a "letter" on applied it to life and it's something that has always stuck in my mind.
My mom has always been an example of loving the gospel and having faith no matter what comes my way. "WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF HARD" Enough said. Any of my sibling will read that and probably just laugh. I'm not even sure when this started but somehow it has become a family "catch phrase" over the years. It's applied to everything from moving, to health issues, to ending bad relationships to Taylor doing his eagle scout ;) , and everything in between! It's now even a saying on a wall in my room and was key in a huge change I had a couple weeks ago.
To say that my mom is supportive of me no matter what, is an understatement. I have had some crazy ideas in my 20 years and while talking to other people they'd get kinda a funny look on their face and say "What did your mom say about it?" But I never had to worry about that! No matter what I've wanted to do, my mom has not only stood behind me in it, but helped me with it as well! She's been there through me playing 2 high school sports at once, to being senior class president, to playing sports WHILE class president, to taking trips all over, to moving to St. George, to moving to CHINA.
My mom has taught me to give people another chance and the benefit of the doubt. She taught me this by doing it to me. I've always felt like the black sheep of my family but my mom has always tried to make me NOT feel like that. There's been counnnnntless times where I've screwed up in my life. Everytime I had to go and "confess" or tell my mom or when she came to me about it, I always knew that she'd still love me. She still would give me another chance with "freedom" later on. She knew that I was already down on myself and that she didn't need to add to that. She's always made me feel just as loved as my siblings even if I didn't deserve it.
M is for the MOMENTS you didn't smack me when you could have. O is for the OUTRAGEOUS things I did I never should have. T is for the TRIBULATIONS mothers have to live through. H is for the HEART ATTACKS I sometimes tried to give you. E is for the expressions you taught me not to say and R is for the great RESPECT I have for you today! ......This was my mothers day card this year and if you know me and my mom at all, then you know that this pretty well sums us up! Thank you mom! Thanks for everything that you've taught me. Thanks for standing by me. Thanks for being an incredible example day after day, year after year. I love you and wouldn't be where I am today without you!
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