Tuesday, December 6, 2011


In my class today, an arguement came up about chivalry and how girls are so difficult to understand. It then launched in to how we can be super difficult to please because every girl wants "a guy that will fit the bill for anything then want. If you're rich...your girl is happy!" Wow! My friend Lenzie and I also talked about this on our way to Logan not so long ago. This couldn't be more wrong and I found something on my friend Nicole's blog that perfectly summed up what we really want: We want a boy that holds our hand. We want the guy that kisses our foreheads, not just shoves his tongue down our throat. We don't need a whole bouquet of extravegant flowers, even a single rose would be awesome. Girls understand that life can be crazy. We don't need to talk to you for four hours every single night, but it means the world when you call for just 2 minutes to say hi and see how things are going. Don't lie to us. Ever. There's a special place in hell for the boys that turn us into objects and get upset or rude when they don't get exactly what they want. Opening the door occasionally goes a long ways! And I can't even tell you how much it means to be called beautiful or pretty instead of "hot" and "sexy" isn't even attractive.

Dear Boy in Class,

I promise we aren't that hard to figure out or please.

Just do the thinking with the right head and you're golden!

And major props to those actual men that do treat us right :)

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