Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The positive to do list

-Read 3 books
-Eventually wrap the presents chillin under my bed
-Go see the lights at Temple Square
-Employee dinner at Los Hermanos
-Instantly fall in love with my soon coming neice or nephew
-Hang out with Mr. Jacob Stephen a little bit before he heads back
-Help with some kind of Sub-4-Santa
-Move into my new apartment
-Grey's Anatomy season 6 marathon
-Lotttttttts of treats!
-Take my finals for the first time in college history
-Work [a lot]
-Jazz game
-Go snowboarding or skiing for the first time
-UVU basketball games
-Sledding :)
-Clayton Conley's welcome home
-Kahea Clark returns to Utah
-Penny and Tialei come to visit for a bit
-Go ice skating
-Go tubing at Solider Hollow
-LOTS more hot chocalte from starbucks and 7-11

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